Why, if I didn't know any better, I'd say that's the piano that Nashiem Myrick used to produce "Queen B" as recorded by the bitch with that platinum grammar!!?!!
This story doesn't end there tho...so next, Katherine races to the airport, but she's too late, so she returns home in despair, only to find the dude there waiting to patch things up and reunite the family!!!! Sorry for no spoiler alert...but honestly, you should consider yourself lucky that you didn't get sucked into watching this sappy excuse for a love story.
(BTW, I also watched Denzel Washington's worst movie ever aka "Unstoppable" the other day. I recommend that over this one above, actually. Especially due to the way-out-of-place Tyler-Perry-influenced end credit theme music. Rosario Dawson was amazing in that one, too.)
Anyway, here's the music...shout to the Queen Bee, Big Beat Records and Undeas Recordings...
Lil Kim - Queen B (instrumental)

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