Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Identical to None

These cats are pretty inventive with the dance moves...I need to see more of this going down at the functions I do

And in related does it offend you news...

The nod might have to go to Flying Lotus though for video of the year, with "Parisian Goldfish." Giving true meaning to the phrase Not Safe For Work!

Being as it is that I don't really get behind too many albums these days, 'Los Angeles' was one of the few records that really made an impression this year.

Reply in the comments section with your suggestion of a similarly clever recent (2007-2008) music video...I'm gonna see if I can't give away a copy of 'Los Angeles' to one of you all, try to spread the love a little bit.

FlyLo - LA 2

1 comment:

Wondermike said...

Possibly this here?

or perchance?

be sure to leave some trace of how you can be contacted if you reply, so i can mail this out...don't all jump at once!!!