These digital shorts are as close to must see as it gets:
As I was saying, SNL has only become watchable again in the past few years really. Kanye's post-Katrina appearance in 2005 was dope, and then he killed it again on the 2007 season premiere hosted by Lebron James. If you can find them online, check the videos of Kanye's performances from either 2005 (Gold Digger/Touch the Sky & Heard Em Say) or 2007 (Stronger/Good Life & Champion/Everything I Am) all cases, pretty sick, especially with the live string section. But with that said, it must be said that Lebron definitely showed his acting chops as well.
Another name that definitely needs to be mentioned as we talk about the reemergence of SNL is Justin Timberlake. For those of you J. Timberlake haters out there, check your ego at the door because his stints as host on SNL have been quite possibly the most memorable shows in recent years...consistent throughout.
Finally, since I'm on the topic, this is something I got off a mixtape from some friends years ago. From May 7, 1983...
Stevie Wonder - Overjoyed (Live on Saturday Night Live)
Stevie Wonder - Overjoyed (Live on Saturday Night Live)